What Happens in Haibun
ISBN 978 0957 526 51 8 Alba Publishing, UK, 2013, 88pp.
Critical studies of all the haibun in Marching with Tulips with general conclusions on the way prose and haiku interact in haibun. Recommended for use on creative writing
courses, or by writers new to the form and wishing to improve their techniques.
This package (of the two books) is published with the support of British Haiku Society
and GB Sasakawa Foundation.
* Bought together with Marching with Tulips the total price is reduced to £20.00.
"A milestone work, of first importance for the further development of
the English-language haibun, and a warmly companionable read."
the late Nigel Jenkins, Director of Creative Writing, Swansea University.
"It is a rare writer who has the ability to analyse his own work in such a detailed way.
I marvelled at the variety of haibun he has presented, and at the many functions
the haiku play within the prose."
Naomi Beth Wakan, Contemporary Haibun Online.
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